Sunday, January 26, 2025


This is the second time in a row that the title of a blog post came from a song in one of Better U's playlists.

Samskeyti - Sigur Rós

"Samskeyti" is an Icelandic word that has a few meanings, depending on the context. In Icelandic, it can refer to a feeling of emotional connection, often describing a deep, comforting, and serene state of togetherness or a kind of emotional bond that brings peace. It can also be associated with a sense of calmness or contentment that comes from being in the presence of someone or something important to you.

In the context of the song, it’s understood as a moment of quiet, intimate connection. The word itself doesn’t have a direct English translation, but it’s often described as a deeply emotional experience.

I started writing a book around the results of my healing journey, and I’m still trying to find words to describe the whole experience. It wasn’t just the ketamine treatment when I was going through it. It was all the journaling, the intentions I set before my sessions, and the integration afterwards. I met with an integration coach every three sessions.

My ketamine treatment definitely helped me get past some mental blocks. After failing nearly every class for five years, my love for Math was rekindled. I started doing well in school again. There was music I grew up with that was too traumatic to listen to for 20 years, and I fell in love with it again. I’m playing the saxophone again. I played the sax all throughout Junior High and High School.

There was a session I went into with the intention of having abundance in my schooling and my Amazon business, and I woke up from it with the feeling of just being kind to myself and others. It’s funny how sometimes we set a very specific intention, expecting to get answers or breakthroughs related to that one thing, but what we end up receiving is something entirely different, yet just as important. That session was a reminder that, before chasing after success or external achievements, I needed to learn to treat myself with the same kindness I often extend to others. That feeling of self-compassion, though subtle at the time, has become foundational in how I approach not just my studies and business, but my life as a whole.

Samskeyti, to me, feels like that moment of quiet understanding. It’s the peace that settles in when we stop striving so hard to force things to happen and instead allow ourselves to be present with what is. It’s in these moments of stillness that I’ve started to heal. The experience isn’t just about the highs or the breakthroughs—it’s about finding comfort in the simplicity of being.

As I’ve integrated these lessons from ketamine therapy, I’ve also learned that healing isn’t a linear process. There are setbacks, challenges, and periods where things don’t feel as clear. But those moments of serenity, of emotional connection to myself, have been my anchor. I can’t fully explain it, but there’s a certain peace that comes with understanding that I don’t have to have everything figured out.

I’ve noticed changes in how I approach my Amazon business, too. The pressure I used to feel to succeed quickly has softened. Instead of obsessing over each small failure, I’m able to step back and look at the bigger picture. I’ve realized that the journey itself, even with its challenges, is valuable. The calmness from that ketamine session, and the lessons that followed, have helped me be gentler with myself in both my personal and professional life.

I’m still on this journey, still finding words to describe what I’ve experienced, but I do know this: there’s a unique beauty in the quiet moments of growth, the slow unfolding of peace, and the understanding that sometimes, the right answer is simply to be present in the moment. Like the word samskeyti, it’s an experience you can’t quite translate, but one you can feel deeply—if you let yourself.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Passage and Special Thank You's


I got the title and theme of this post from a song that speaks to transformation and growth: Listen Here.

One of my favorite definitions of the word passage is "the process from one state to another."

I got this song from the Transcend playlist from Better U, the company I've been doing my ketamine treatments with.  Better U has four guiding modules: Heal, Love, Grow, and Transcend. Transcending is all about rising above and going beyond the limits of what you thought was possible. Transcendence is about breaking free from old boundaries—whether they are mental, emotional, or physical—and stepping into new territory. And I just LOVEEEEEEE the build-up this song has!!! Better U did an AMAZING job picking out the music for our treatments!

I can't remember where, but I read that your story will be someone else's survival guide. With that said, I have been writing an e-book about my experiences. I have the outline for it, but I am not sure when I will be finishing that project. It will likely be when this semester is over since I am trying to balance that with school, my actuary exams, and my Amazon business.  It's still a process but I am really excited about writing it!  

But I write this as my biggest token of gratitude to what was given to me. Since I didn't get to write this last semester, I wanted to write a special thank-you section now:

  • Alejandro, my integration coach at Better U. He helped me to integrate my ketamine treatments into my daily life. You have been an incredible mentor!  A great role model!

  • Dr. Heiny: Dr. Heiny has been my biggest mentor since I had him for MathStat 1 the first time. He helped me not only pass a very difficult subject but also push through a really challenging period in my life when I was not retaining anything. He encouraged me and helped me to be the best student I could be. He has been very empathetic while pushing me toward my best. Passing MathStat 1 lifted a huge weight off my shoulders.

  • Dr. Ling: He has been so generous with his time, helping me through two Actuary exams. He has been firm yet compassionate, always making himself available to help me push through tough moments. Thank you for opening another P lab this semester!

  • Dr. Joe Simons: So glad to have him as my professor again this semester. A hilarious professor, an amazing teacher, and a great mentor. He gave me so many tips that helped me become a better student when I was struggling in school and life. Dr. Simons even studied topics outside his expertise with me to ensure I got the help I needed.

  • Chris Mangunza: Best YouTuber in the world of Amazon. Check out his channel. Not only has he been so generous with the information he shares on starting your Amazon business, but he also believed in me enough to bring me into his first mentorship group. I’ve already found my first products to sell on Amazon. I’m so grateful for his mentorship and the opportunity to change my financial life and give back to my mom. Thank you for helping me break out of my scarcity mindset and start making real money!

  • Carlos: Thank you so much for allowing me to rent this very comfy room in your house. I love the location, the comfort, and all the work you’ve put into this home. Thank you for the opportunity to pet-sit your cat!

  • Hannah: She has helped me so much to get through school, challenging classes, Actuary exams, and MathStat. She’s always been so generous in sharing her notes. She was instrumental in helping me study for my final MathStat 1 exam.

  • Laura:  Amazing study buddy and friend!  So kind of her to have invited me to spend Thanksgiving with her husband and kids and she was so kind to bring me Chik-Fil-A and a coffee once too!  

  • Bella: One time I was buying ice cream at the UVU bookstore, and she received me with so much love. She helped me through a really difficult semester. When I passed MathStat 1, she was so kind and generous and even paid for my ice cream. It wasn’t just about the money; it was the generosity and her attention to how important MathStat was to me. Bella has been my biggest supporter through my ketamine treatments.

  • Maddie: I know I said this to you individually but I'm incredibly grateful for you and for how you championed for me at different times.  With Abby and Emma, with your mom and with your enthusiasm when we ran into each other at UVU as well.  Thank you so much for having said the kindest words to me when I was going through some major changes. I reread your words many times and the way you told your coworkers with so much excitement about running into me at school made me feel like I did something write.  You have an incredibly sweet personality!  And thank you so much for your encouraging words when I started this transformation! 

  • My Mom: My mom is the most special soul on earth!  I never met anyone as special as my mom!  We went through everything and all of life's ups and downs together!  I love my mom so much!  I never met anyone more loving than her.  She has the biggest gift of making everyone feel like their best selves and has the biggest love and compassion for animals.  She's so fun to be around.  We have our own internal language.  I love my mom so much!!!