Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Funny Italian Slangs/Expressions

- Dare una Pizza- to give a pizza 

In Italian, Vado ti dare una pizza means I'm going to slap you! 

-Sfigato- Unlucky

-A Tutta birra (birra=beer) - as fast as possible.   Vado a tutta birra da te= I got to your house as fast as possible

- Mangiar la minestra o saltar questra finestra (ou coma essa sopa ou pule da janela) Take it or leave it

-Limonare- (limone, lemon -to make out. voglio limonare con te. I want to make out with you

-In bocca al lupo- na boca do lobo......Good Luck

-Boh!- I don't know. Qualcosa, vuoi mangiare? Boh! (what do you want to eat? Boh!)

- Che Schifo- when something is disgusting like a 70 year old hitting on a 16 year old girl.

- Mi fa cagare- (makes me poo), when something is awful, like the food in that restaurant.

- Che figata!-  How cool!!!

- Che palle- (what balls), when something is a pain in the a$$

-Figurati- "it's nothing", don't worry about it

-Dai- "come on!" "stop it!"